Slowly being seduced by my Kindle

So I decided to do this post after realising how long it’s been since I picked up a hard copy of a book, I had been so adamant that once I got my kindle I would still just buy hard copies but it seems I have been proven wrong…

Dear Kindle,Image result for real books have curves

Okay I admit when I first got you I had very mixed emotions, I knew deep down that this really was the best solution to the very limited space I now had left on my bookshelf and sure it would make it easier to buy and download books but I had always been so determined that I didn’t need you, I was perfectly content with my room full of books thank you very much, if anything I just needed a bigger room. Alas it was not to be, for one I had already stolen the biggest room to be my ‘study’ e.g. an area to cram all my books and my partner was fairly firm on the fact that they would not continue to creep throughout the rest of the house. Thus began the search for my new reading companion.

The day of your arrival did not begin well, once we had received word that you were in the shop and ready to be collected we immediately headed on down only to find a queue which had already managed to snake it’s way out of the door, an ominous sign or perhaps something to do with the fact we had decided get you just before Christmas who can really tell. Once we had managed to claw our way to the counter, we had another additional wait as the poor confused cashier had to go and find you from the storeroom. The storeroom is apparently a vast a mysterious place where the cashier could get lost for the next 20 minutes, but eventually they did return and there you were, all wrapped up in your packaging and ready to embark on your next adventure.

Related imageOnce you were home I dutifully charged you, logged into my Goodreads account and tentatively downloaded my first book (Songs of the Humpback Whale by Jodi Picoult). A few clicks later and there it was, all ready to go. Alright I thought maybe this won’t be so bad, surely anything that delivered books that fast had to be a good thing. From there I spent half my time with you and half my time with my paperbacks, however whenever I had an urge for a book and just couldn’t wait you were the one I went too, ever ready to oblige.

As time went on I began taking you out with me, you were far less bulky then just taking my books with me and I could fit as many as I wanted on you. How much easier it would of been I pondered if I had had you last year where half of my luggage was taken up by books on a one week trip. I became delighted in the fact that I could continue reading you long after my partner had gone to sleep without having to disturb him by turning on the light. I started to buy you things, a nice new case after I had become distraught over the tiniest of scratches on you. Then I discovered NetGalley, not only could I download more books to you but they would be FREE. Sure they would need a review but hey we were doing that anyway. It had been months since I had physically gone out and bought a new book.

Sure we still have our problems, for one you lack any sort of smell… and while you may Image result for kindle vs paperbacksee that as a good thing it’s something I dearly miss. And lets not forget how you sometimes decide you have had enough and complain and grumble about having to connect to the WiFi, especially if were in a new place, and it’s true I don’t always remember that I need to charge you which can result in you going for extended naps but I like to think we’ve done pretty well.

With Love,


What do you prefer to read on Kindle or Paperback? I would love to know if anyone else had been ‘converted’ or if you have gone the other way from Kindle to Paperback? Let me know in the comments.

34 thoughts on “Slowly being seduced by my Kindle

  1. For a LONG time I held out against Kindle; others raved about their Kindles but I was so happy with my REAL books. Even after my husband bought me a Kindle Paperwhite, it sat unused for a long time. But finally, I grudgingly tried it out. Now I am so fod of my Kindle that I find it really burdensome to read a paper book. There are times when a paper book is preferable; if it is a workbook of some sort, or if it is a coloring book, for instance. But otherwise, I’m pretty much a Kindle convert.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Excellent article! I went to Kindle and tablet over two years ago and very rarely add to my paper book collection anymore. I can adjust the font and lighting, have any book at my fingertips, throw it in my purse and go. I still have my signed collection of paper books and I borrow paper from the library occasionally, but I love my Kindle and tablet!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I vaguely remember a time without a Kindle but I’ve been addicted for quite a while now. LOL There are just so many pluses to having one as opposed to physical copies, ease, storage, mobility and on and on.

  4. I don’t have a Kindle, but my Kobo is much the same. I can carry as many books as I like without destroying my back. I did notice early on that I became much more of a linear reader, rather than flipping ahead to see outcomes quickly.

    Also, I am now buying way more books than I could ever read because, hey, they are on sale! And library ebooks! And Netgalley!

    So many books, so little time.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I was an early adopter of ereaders with a Glow Light Nook and then a Kindle Fire. I still read paperbacks and Hardbacks though. I really preferred my Glow Light Nook as a device, it was much easier on my eyes than reading for long periods on the Kindle Fire. Anything over 4 hours or so of reading and I get headaches on the Kindle Fire. The problem was that the Nook is a Barnes and Noble product and didn’t always have the selection of books that the Kindle offered. I still get lots of books from the library though so they are hardback and I buy lots of used books, which are usually paperback.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have a Kindle Paperwhite and it doesn’t hurt my eyes too much though I must admit it was one of my initial concerns, (it also used to be one of my counter arguments against getting one lol)


  6. I am totally converted to digital books. I like reading at least two or three books at a time and it is too convenient to be able to take them with me anywhere. Also it’s just easier to read. Actually for years I bought books but when I had to tighten the belt I never went back. Great post! I loved how you wrote it in letter format!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Exactly it’s just far to convenient to only have one thing to carry around as opposed to several! Thanks, I only realized half way through that it sounded like a letter so just decided to go with it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. i understand what you mean. ever since i discovered Netgalley, that was it. there was no turning back. i do miss reading a paperback but compared to the convenience that is Kindle it can hardly compare plus books i get from Netgalley are free. so unless i really adore the author, paperbacks has taken a step back to make way for Kindle. *sigh*

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I love this post! Totally agree! and yes, NetGalley has to shoulder some of the blame 😉 I was one of those people who said a Kindle would never replace my preference for an actual physical book, and I laughed at those who thought it would. However, many years later, and whilst I still love the sight and feel of a physical book, my Kindle is emerging as victorious! The convenience and ease of reading make it a winner. Having said that, I do still buy and read many physical books – after all; I have numerous bookshelves around the home that still need filling!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Never thought I would, but I love my kindle app. I almost never read paper books anymore. About the only time I read paper is if we are going to the lake or something where I worry about the electronic aspect of it.

    I also love how much less space my book collection takes up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It has definitely solved my problem of limited space, it’s great to not have to worry where I will put any new books but your right about the electronic aspect it does add an additional worry, point one for books lol

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  10. I totally love everything you wrote! Very well written! And yes, I too have been fighting a kindle…. but since I live in Canada and not all books are available I’m considering it! Though, strangely enough, most books are the same price or cheaper to buy a physical copy. Doesn’t make sense!! My birthday is in a few days and a kindle may be my next purchase….. maybe….. you might have brought the percentage of possibility up a bit!


  11. I don’t have a Kindle, which is pretty ironic since my 6-year-old daughter does, haha! But, I do use the Kindle app on my tablet, phone, and laptop all the time! I tried to hold out on ebooks as long as I could because I love the feel and smell of a physical book. But oh, we have so many full bookshelves in our house that it was getting out of control! It doesn’t help that I’m an English Lit teacher, so I’m always buying new lit books and those I want to be physical books.

    Now, I carry my tablet everywhere and can’t imagine being without it! Since I read so much and read multiple books at a time, it saves so much space! I just need more time to read everything I have, especially now that I’m on NetGalley! But, there are some physical books that I do still buy, but definitely not like I used to do!

    Oh, thanks for following my blog! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think the space it saves is its main positive point! I think I am just going to end up only buying physical copies of books I really want or at least books that I know I am going to read again!


      1. I totally agree! The books that I buy (that are non-school related or go along with my weird obsession with classic literature in a million different prints and reprints, which drives my hubby insane) are either books that belong to a book series that I started buying way before I started buying ebooks or ones like you said I know I will reread. I feel like I need to build a shed for my books…maybe a small cottage with a cozy bed, so I can go there to read all day!

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      2. That would be amazing! It would need to be filled with gorgeous bookshelves. And I really want the comfy bed and a ready supply of hot tea, coffee, snacks, and tissues for when I need a good cry. What a fabulous gift idea, lol! Not that I think it would happen, but a person can dream!

        Liked by 1 person

  12. I adore my Kindle but I’m also still such a fan of a physical book. Sometimes I just miss the fun of pretty fonts and chapter headers so I need the real thing. BUT! I find I read a lot faster on my Kindle and I love bulkier reads on there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think the thing that I miss the most is being able to lay out all of the books I just got from a new book haul on the bed and trying to decide which one to read first, I enjoy the mess of literally being surrounded by books haha

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  13. I love my Kindle–but I now use a data-enabled tablet with the Kindle app. It is so easy to be able to type in notes and other features, than what I could do on my paperwhite. I do prefer the paperwhite for reading at the beach though! I take the Kindle to the gym and can get a lot of reading done while on the elliptical 🙂

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  14. I had a nook and had an email about a year ago saying that Barnes and Noble have sold up the UK company so it now no longer has content coming through it to buy. A shame, good company. I now don’t know whether to quit my loses and get other device (I already have kindle downloaded on my iPad!)

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