Sacrificing Books

Okay I admit it I’m a hoarder, it’s one of the main reasons I dislike moving houses so much, it always prompts the conversations of what to take and what no longer serves any sort of purpose and needs to either be thrown out or re-homed. The reason I dislike having to make this decision is that it takes hours and I really do mean hours, every little nick-knack, every object no matter how insignificant seems to have a story about it, sometimes it’s a far distant memory, sometimes it’s a particular smell but believe me it’s always something and that’s always enough to cause many a raging argument inside my head before I inevitably decide screw it it’s staying.

Image result for hoarding books

As I mentioned here one of the main reasons I finally relented and bought myself a kindle was that I was literally running out of space to keep all of my hard copies of books, my shelves were full and it was becoming somewhat perilous to manoeuvre through the floor of the study for fear of tripping and taking out several stacks of books! As well as this as much as I wanted to keep the room as my own personal library I really did need to use it for other things. This prompted the discussion of whether or not I should simply get rid of some of the books either give them away or perhaps sell them and it’s a decision I’m still wrestling with at the moment.

The main reason I’m struggling with this is apart from the fact I am a hoarder is that IImage result for hoarding books suddenly become fearful that this book is automatically going to become my new favorite book and all I needed to do was give it one more chance. Which I know is ridiculous as I have read these books before, I have a pretty good idea of how I feel about them and even sure yes I know my opinion may change the chance of it becoming one of the few that have a treasured place on my bookshelf, a place with the books I could easily re read again and again without getting bored is rather slim. That’s not even including the books that I haven’t got round to reading yet, I know some of them have been sitting there for many years without me having the inclination to pick them up and read them but surely I will someday right? It really feels like I’m sacrificing my books just to make more room. It also probably doesn’t help that the first time I moved I went through and decided on two big rubbish bag full of books that I wouldn’t be able to take with me and donated them to charity before quickly being filled with regret. These books were mostly ones I had collected in my childhood (think Jacqueline Wilson) but as soon as they were gone I was hit with waves of nostalgia. So even though logically I know it’s the best solution and in all honesty at least half of them I will never read again I still can’t seem to let them go as of yet…

Are you able to get rid of books? Or are you a hoarder like me? Let me know in the comments below I would love to here your thoughts! 

22 thoughts on “Sacrificing Books

  1. Thankfully I became more attached to my Kindle than physical books, I just find it much easier and you can be a secret hoarder…..1000s of books on a Kindle and no one has to know but you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am a hoarder! Personally, I will sacrifice my desk before I sacrifice my books. And when I completely run out of space in my office, I will expand to other rooms. I’m too attached to them. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol I promised I wouldn’t completely overtake the house with books so this was me trying to keep to that promise… I’m sure if I do it slowly though no one will notice haha

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  3. Haha I have the exact same problem. I live in one of the most expensive cities on earth, so I have a really small apartment, and about 95% of it is book shelves/stacks of books. There are some that I’ve read and didn’t love, but there are none that I’m willing to get rid of. Hopefully I’ll just never have to move again. Also, thanks for all the likes on my blogs man! I haven’t had an opportunity to read through all your stuff yet, but tomorrow is my day off and I’m going to binge read a bunch of your stuff 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have a Samsung Galaxy tablet, which replaced my Kindle after it wore out from frequent use! However, I also have bookcases, or baskets of books, or neat rows bookended in every room of my house that I can’t part with. Occasionally I will try to go through them and weed out a few to donate, but I cannot bring myself to make a real dent in my collections. It doesn’t help that my husband contributes to the pile with books he can’t part with either.

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    1. Lol I can not imagine what our house would be like if my partner also added books, baskets of books sounds like an awesome idea though maybe I could start sneaking those around the house!


  5. I don’t tend to buy physical books much but the ones I do have I think I would have trouble parting with. If I counts I can’t delete a book from my Kindle cloud even if I don’t like it.

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